Faith - FourFoundations.orgFAITH
Faith is the First Foundation needed to restore our households. Proverbs 3 v 5 teaches us to “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” This verse serves as a pivotal reminder we must surrender to God’s word in all areas of our life. By “Faith” we receive all of our blessings, our healing, our wisdom and counsel. By “Faith”, Kim and Eric surrendered their first son, Foster, to God before He moved. By “Faith”, they surrendered their daughter, Madeline, and her uncertain future to God. By “Faith” they surrendered to reconciling their marriage. If you would like to take the first step to rebuilding your “Faith” foundation, click here.

Family - FourFoundations.orgFAMILY
We can define our family as broadly or narrowly as we might like. Today, families are held together by a number of combinations: single or single-again, moms and dads or grandparents. They may be patched together from re-marriage or remain a source of brokenness and pain. The kaleidoscope of combinations can amplify the challenges of raising or interacting with the members of our family. Whatever our origins, there exists an opportunity to heal, to unify and strike down the cycles of brokenness inside the walls of our Family. If you would like to take your first step to bringing healing to your “Family” foundation, click here.

As the medium of exchange, money is an integral component of our lives. Without a proper plan, the foundation of “Finances” can quickly erode. Debt, Divorce, Bankruptcy and Greed can arise singly or in combination when our approach to managing our personal finances is not fortified by the guidance scripture can provide. Kim and
  Eric applied the teachings of one of their ministry partners to their finances. Through this program, the concepts of budgeting and prioritizing their finances were learned and put into practice in an effort to break free from the chains of debt. From this experience, Kim and Eric now serve the members of their church as Financial Counselors. If you would like to take your first step to bringing stability to your “Finances” foundation, click here.

Fidelity is defined as faithfulness to a person, cause or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. It can be further described as focused devotion. The question we must answer is to what are we “In-Fidelity”? God calls us to be balanced in our pursuits and to keep Him at the center of our focus. When we are “In-Fidelity” to His word, our foundations are reinforced, enhancing our relationships, our families, our finances and our households. Kim and Eric were consumed by the medical challenges of their son early in their marriage. Their lives orbited around doctor visits, medical tests and medications. Foster’s progress after surgery required less of their time and Kim and Eric spiraled out of orbit. Instead of putting God at the center of their lives, they began to orbit around their careers, adding to a growing distance between them. “Out of Fidelity” with God and each other, the strength of their marriage eroded. After separating and filing for divorce twice between 2004 and 2006, Kim and Eric surrendered themselves to God’s word. Only by placing God at the center of their own lives were they able to begin to heal and reconcile their marriage. Now married 18 years, Kim and Eric encourage others to alter their “Fidelity” focus and bring healing to broken homes. If you would like to re-direct the focus of your “Fidelity” foundation, click here.